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Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

The surgical process of increasing breast size and improving breast shape is known as breast augmentation. Implants placed in the breasts by our skilled surgeons can enhance their size and contour. Breast augmentations, one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery, are extremely popular due to their positive psychological and emotional effects on recipients.

Since the reasons for getting breast implants to vary significantly from patient to patient, TGS offers a specialized service tailored to your needs. Successful breast augmentation is something we have helped thousands of women like you with.

Benefits of Breast Enlargement:

Cosmetically enhanced breasts are the most noticeable benefit of breast augmentation surgery. The procedure does more than enlarge the breasts; it also lifts them, making them appear fuller and perkier. A side benefit is that the patient often ends up looking younger as a result.

Some women’s bodies produce a larger breasts on one side. In cases with a significant discrepancy in breast size, augmentation surgery can significantly improve symmetry.

The procedure of breast augmentation is growing in popularity for both aesthetic and functional reasons. After undergoing breast augmentation, many women have shared their experiences, saying:

  • Breast symmetry has improved
  • Improved Body Proportions
  • Enhanced the Volume and Curves
  • Enhances Clothing Choices
  • Vibrant and younger look

If you want your breast to look fuller, firmer, and younger, breast augmentation could be your best option.

Breast Enlargement surgery procedure

Breast augmentation surgeries typically last 30 to 60 minutes and are performed under general anesthesia. Depending on the surgeon’s recommendations and your preference, you can either be a day patient or stay overnight for recovery.

After the procedure, the patient may experience breast tightness, discomfort, and sensitivity, as well as bruising and swelling in those areas. Painkillers will be prescribed if you do not feel better after 7 to 14 days. Only the best quality implants are used at TGS.

Each breast implant comprises a silicone shell and a cohesive gel that stays in place and stretches a little bit, just like natural breast tissue. The consultation with a qualified TGS surgeon is your opportunity to ask any questions related to breast implants.