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Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, lifts sagging lids and rejuvenates the eye area. Upper, lower, or both eyelid lifts are all procedures that our highly experienced surgeons are qualified to perform.

Sagging upper and lower eyelids, also known as “bags,” can make a person look older and more exhausted than they are, which is why this procedure was developed. Brighter, younger-looking eyes can be revealed through the removal of excess skin and fat with the help of the proper technique.

Procedures in Eyelid Surgery:

There are two types of procedures:

  • Upper Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin from the upper eyelid to correct a hooded, droopy eyelid.
  • Bags under the eyes and wrinkles and puffiness can be surgically removed with a procedure called lower blepharoplasty.

In most cases, general anesthesia is required for eyelid surgery. Your surgeon will take special care to hide the incision in the upper lid’s natural crease above the lash line. Fat may be removed to restore a more youthful and revitalized eyelid contour if it contributes to the “hooded” appearance of the lids.

Incisions for the lower eyelids are made either in the natural crease below the eyelashes (sub-ciliary approach) or behind the lower lid (Trans conjunctival approach).

In most cases, only a tiny portion of the skin needs to be removed. When performing blepharoplasty on the lower eyelids, surgeons primarily focus on re-draping the fat to remove the sagging fat bulges and to fill in the hollow “tear troughs” where the lower lids meet the upper cheek in a semicircular groove.

This results in a younger, more vibrant appearance by rejuvenating the lower eyelids and cheeks.

What are the benefits of Eyelid Surgery?

With the Eyelid surgery, you will have the following:

  • Reduced under-eye puffiness
  • The appearance of tiredness can be exacerbated by skin that is too loose and puffy around the eyes.
  • Reducing wrinkles and fine lines
  • Clear vision
  • Satisfaction about how your eyes look after blepharoplasty
  • Your eyes will have a more youthful and revitalized appearance

Performing blepharoplasty on the upper eyelids usually takes no more than a few hours, and the patient can return home the same day. It is recommended that patients who have had surgery on their Lower Lid spend at least one night in the hospital after the procedure because of the increased monitoring requirements. You should take a week off of work and avoid any strenuous activity for at least two months.